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1+5 Holistic Health Program

Hello there! I know dealing with diabetes, gut issues, weight concerns, heart problems, hormonal imbalances and mental health is no walk in the park – these are significant challenges. My approach is straightforward: we work on one of these issues, and what’s remarkable is the positive impact extends to other areas of your life. It’s not about fixing just one thing; it’s about creating a shift in your overall well-being. Picture a path to a healthier, happier life. That’s the essence of my 1+5 Wellness Program – addressing these major health challenges, treating one to naturally impact the others, ensuring a genuine and lasting change in your life. Interested in taking this journey with me?

Our Approach | Treat One Manage All


Diabetes occurs when blood sugar is too high due to insufficient or ineffective insulin. This can lead to fatigue, hunger, and serious complications such as vision loss, dementia, and kidney damage.


The gut extends from mouth to anus and digests food to absorb nutrients for the body. Gut health affects immunity, cholesterol, digestion, sleep, mood, and energy levels. Autoimmune diseases can also result from gut issues.

Weight Management

Calorie intake and expenditure determine weight. Eating and drinking the same amount of calories as the body burns keeps weight stable. Eating and drinking more than the body burns increases weight. Eating and drinking less than the body burns decreases weight.

Heart Problems

Heart health depends on cholesterol and blood pressure management. Reducing saturated and trans fats lowers cholesterol and heart disease risk. Adopting a healthy diet, exercise, and less salt intake lowers blood pressure. These lifestyle changes improve cardiovascular health.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal balance is essential for well-being. Stress, poor sleep, and nutrition can disrupt hormones. A balanced lifestyle, stress relief, adequate sleep, and a healthy diet can restore hormonal harmony. These practices enhance overall health and well-being.

Mental Health Issues

Mental health is influenced by diet. A diet high in simple carbs and fats and low in vitamins B12, B9, and zinc can cause depression and dementia symptoms such as low mood, fatigue, and cognitive decline. A balanced diet can support mental health.

Our 9 steps Get Set Go Transformation Process

Phase 1 - Get

Phase 2 - Set

Phase 3 - Go

Book Online Consultation

If you are having any of the health issues and wish to be healthier, then take your first step towards wellness.


Dietitian Ujjwala

Ujjwala, a highly qualified Registered Dietitian, boasts extensive experience starting with a Bachelor of Home Science and a Post Graduation Diploma in Dietetics. Her career in India, including roles at K.J. Somaiya Hospital and B.Y.L. Nair Hospital, highlighted her leadership in research on obesity and Type 2 diabetes.

She earned accolades in sports nutrition and held memberships with prominent professional associations. Beyond work, Ujjwala enjoy dancing, singing, basketball, and cooking, aligning with her holistic approach to wellness covering various health aspects.

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Dietitian Ujjwala

Ujjwala, a highly qualified Registered Dietitian, boasts extensive experience starting with a Bachelor of Home Science and a Post Graduation Diploma in Dietetics. Her career in India, including roles at K.J. Somaiya Hospital and B.Y.L. Nair Hospital, highlighted her leadership in research on obesity and Type 2 diabetes.

She earned accolades in sports nutrition and held memberships with prominent professional associations. Beyond work, Ujjwala enjoy dancing, singing, basketball, and cooking, aligning with her holistic approach to wellness covering various health aspects.

Years of Experience
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Sessions Conducted
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Happy Customers
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Dietitian Ujjwala

Ujjwala, a highly qualified Registered Dietitian, boasts extensive experience starting with a Bachelor of Home Science and a Post Graduation Diploma in Dietetics. Her career in India, including roles at K.J. Somaiya Hospital and B.Y.L. Nair Hospital, highlighted her leadership in research on obesity and Type 2 diabetes.

She earned accolades in sports nutrition and held memberships with prominent professional associations. Beyond work, Ujjwala enjoy dancing, singing, basketball, and cooking, aligning with her holistic approach to wellness covering various health aspects.

Years of Experience
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Sessions Conducted
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Happy Customers
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Post Graduation Diploma in Dietetics & Applied Nutrition

Institute of Hotel Management,
catering, technology & Applied Nutrition,
Mumbai – Delhi University | 2004-05

Bachelor of Home Science

Nirmala Niketan College of Home
Science – Mumbai University | 2003-04

Certified Diabetes Educator Course

Christian Medical College, Vellore –
International Diabetes Federation |

Registered Dietitian Internship

T.N. Medical College and BYL Nair Hospital, Mumbai | 2005-06

Hospital Internship

T.N. Medical College and BYL Nair Hospital, Mumbai | May – Aug, 2005

Diploma in Sports Nutrition

K11 Fitness Academy, Mumbai | 2006

Global Practice Experience

Practice in Singapore

Ujjwala embarked on an incredible journey in Singapore, founding Poshan – Cure Thru Diet and pioneering BLOOM, an e-magazine. As a Medical Nutrition Therapist and Health Promotion Board Ambassador, her impactful contributions extended to delivering empowering talks, workshops, and health awareness programs. Her commitment to advocating for holistic wellness and nutritional education has significantly influenced Singapore’s health landscape, inspiring individuals and communities toward healthier living.

Practice in India

Ujjwala’s profound expedition within India’s nutrition and healthcare landscape illuminates her unwavering commitment and expertise. As the Chief Dietitian at K.J. Somaiya Hospital and Research Centre, she revolutionized patient care by introducing innovative practices, notably pioneering blenderized feeds for Enteral patients. Her role involved comprehensive patient management, delivering Medical Nutrition Therapy, and crafting personalized diets, catering to diverse needs, including specialized ketogenic diets for autistic children.

Transitioning to B.Y.L. Nair Hospital, Ujjwala’s tenure as a Research Dietitian heralded groundbreaking studies on obesity and Type 2 diabetes, significantly advancing scientific understanding in these crucial areas. Beyond her clinical roles, her academic journey was replete with impactful presentations, pioneering research in product development, and dedicated initiatives focused on pediatric nutritional assessments. Her commitment extended beyond hospital walls, venturing into community education programs, where she imparted essential nutritional knowledge to empower diverse communities, particularly underserved populations.

Ujjwala’s impassioned journey through academia, research, and community engagement reflects her unyielding dedication to enhancing health outcomes and fostering nutritional education across multifaceted realms within India.

Book Online Consultation

If you are having any of the health issues and wish to be healthier, then take your first step towards wellness.

Our Value Added Services

Diet & Nutrition Consultations

Customized Menu Planning

Salad Preparation & Delivery

Heath Seminars & Workshops

Content Creation for Media

Collaboration for Boosting your Brand

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Ujjwala Baxi

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